With Queenstown’s affordable housing trust using only one builder for all its Whakatipu developments, a rival builder is asking how it knows it’s getting the best price.
Suggestions by a Wānaka hospitality owner that Queenstown restaurants deliberately rip off tourists are sticking in the craw on the other side of the hill.
Social media-fuelled growth in the number of walkers camping at the head of Earnslaw Burn, near Glenorchy, has forced the landowner to take action to keep the area "pristine".
For his last exhibition as a Queenstown-based artist — opening at Te Atamira next Thursday — Marc Blake’s presenting photographic images of a lone basketball hoop in his Frankton neighbourhood.
More than $31,000 was raised for charity during the recent New Zealand Open golf tourney, including $5000 for Queenstown’s Lakes District Air Rescue Trust (LDART).
Though well beaten by Gore’s Eastern Northern Barbarians in their first preseason game last Saturday, Wakatipu Premiers rugby fans at least got to see talismanic former No 8 Bradley Cross back on...
An Australian entrepreneur and engineer’s taking the plunge in Queenstown this year with two hot pools facilities geared towards the growing health and wellness market.
A veteran Kingston firefighter suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) says he was left in the lurch by the ACC because he was a volunteer.
Road repairs across the Queenstown Lakes District, after last year’s rainstorms, will cost an estimated $1.92 million according to a report to the Queenstown Lakes District Council (QLDC) Property...